Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So, this will be my last post in blogger. I've moved on to wordpress instead. Wordpress is just.... better. I can format the photos however I want, it gives me updates on who visits my blog and other cool statistics... it's just all around a lot cooler. So, visit me there and become a follower!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

One more month!

Have I mentioned my obsession with Pioneer Woman's blog? Seriously, this woman does it all -- raises four children on a ranch, cooks, cleans, homeschools, takes amazing photographs. Seriously, this woman is my blogging idol.

Things are starting to cool down -- both in photo sessions and in the weather here, which is good because now I can focus on our mission trip in EXACTLY ONE MONTH FROM TODAY. w00t!

In other news, I've created a fairly popular Facebook fan page. You should join it, because it's cool and I give away cool prizes -- like tickets to Biltmore House, gift certificates to Avon and my sister's business, Loopy Creations with the most absolutely adorable hats you've ever seen. Anyway, you should join. Because we bribe our fans. :-D

And because every post is better with a picture:
This is my nephew, John. The little red suitcase is the same one my mother used when she was little. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just chugging along

I know, I know... "What happened to being better about blogging?" you may be asking yourself... and the truth is, I don't know. I certainly have had things to talk about.

Our mission trip to Nicaragua is just around the corner! And we've almost raised all the money we need to go, so that makes me happy :) Also, we've launched our Blue Frame Photography and Design page on Facebook. There, you can enter any of our weekly contests to win super cool free stuff like Loopy Creation's hats, free photo shoots by us, free Avon products (courtesy of my good friend, Susan) and jewelry but another good friend, Hollie. We're constantly striving to bring in more stuff, too, so there's definitely a reason to be our fans :)

But on to our most recent adventures... Saturday, Frank and I went home to Salisbury and got to hang with Hollie. She and I went to the same high school and were both in marching band. Since then, though, she has served in Iraq, is a full-time Army soldier, has two of the sweetest girls I've ever met and makes her own jewelry (yes, the same Hollie as mentioned above.. more info regarding her jewelry will come in a later post).

This one is one of my favs. You can tell they're having a great time :)

This one is going to be a heart breaker for sure! Gorgeous!

See what I mean?

And we couldn't get enough of this little one! I adore the look in her eyes :)

There are ton more on our Web site.

We also got to hang with my sister and her family, and of course we took pictures. But I'll save that for a later post :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

I've joined a new web site that allows clients to "shop" for their photographers. But one of the stipulations is that I need to put a link on one of my Web sites so....

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Although I got this from another blogger, this has also been going around on Facebook (you should become a fan of Blue Frame, by the way ;) so I thought I'd have a try...

A - Age: I'm 24, although my birthday is just about a month away. And then I'll be a quarter of a century old.

B - Bed size: You know, we had the option of getting a queen-sized bed but honestly? I prefer our trusty full-sized bed. I don't feel at all squooshed or anything, but I suppose you'll have to ask Frank his opinion. haha.

C - Chore you hate: I pretty much hate all chores. But the one chore I reallllyyyyy hate is laundry. bleh!

D - Dog's name: We don't have a dog. 1) we're never home and so we would make horrible owners and 2) Frank is deathly allergic to basically anything but human hair. So, no pets for us.

E - Essential start your day item: I start every morning a half hour earlier than Frank. Hop in the shower, turn on the news and eat my cereal. And then I check Facebook. And email. And sometimes CNN.

F - Favorite color(s): I'm a fan of teal.

G - Gold or Silver: How about white gold? That seems to be a good compromise.

H - Height: 5'4". Okay, okay, if you want to be realllyyy technical, I'm 5'3-3/4" There. happy? :-p

I - Instruments you play: My mom taught me piano when I was in the second grade and then she paid someone else to give me lessons until I was in sixth grade. I stopped at the 3rd level because my hands weren't big enough to reach the octaves. They still aren't. Then I switched to clarinet and played that for....nine years? And then I gave my best shot at playing trumpet because I was tired of being in the back of the field in marching band. My band director didn't like me too much for doing that, but I don't regret it because I had a lot of fun in the trumpet line. :)

J - Job title: Administrative Support Associate for the Academic Success Centers at my alma mater by day and photographer/ graphic designer by night and weekend.

K - Kitchen wish list: I'd like to have more counter and cabinet space.

L - Living arrangements: I live with my husband in good ol' Waynesville. It's nice because it's halfway between my workplace and Asheville.

M - Mom's name: Janice.

N - Nicknames: hmmm growing up it was Peachtree, copper top, duracel, (one boy in the second grade called me petertree and it made me cry -- my maiden name was Petrea.). In college, a few of my friends called me Carriebear and now my husband calls me either honey or 'my love.'

O - Overnight hospital stay: only when I was born.

P - Pet Peeve(s): When people slurp their soup.... good golly, that gets on my nerves!

Q - Quote from a movie: ummm... the only one I can think off the top of my head is from The Producers when the two main characters visit a notoriously, flamingly gay director.

"May I take your hat, your coat and your..... swatztikas?"

Previously, the two had been to see a nazi fanatic about producing the play he wrote, "Springtime for Hitler." The nazi fanatic made them wear arm bands with a swatztika on it to show that they were serious about producing the play. The gist of the movie was to produce an awful, awful play -- one that no one would ever possibly like -- in order to bank big bucks. It's a funny movie. you should go see it.

R - Right or left handed: Right. But I once tried to become ambidextrous. It never fully worked, but I can do some things so-so with my left hand.

S - Siblings: 2 sisters.

T - Time you wake up: During the week, at 6:30 a.m. On the weekend, it's anyone's guess (unless I have something scheduled)

U - Underwear: Ummm. yes.

V - Vegetable you dislike: ummmm... beets. Are beets considered a vegetables?

W - Workout style: I don't workout like I should. Sometimes Frank and I will walk around the park near our house. And sometimes I'll get on the Wii Fit. But nothing strenuous

X - X-rays you've had: I had an x-ray of my spine in middle school. I remember it was sort of freaky to see all my bones like that. I had (still have?) scoliosis but I don't think it's bad enough to really affect me. I was off by like 10 degrees or something.

Y - Yesterday's best moment: hmmm hanging out with our friends, Susan and Daniel at a local pizza joint.

Z - Zoo favorite(s): I've always been fascinated by the elephants and the monkeys. :)

And because a post is always good with a picture, here's one I grabbed during Matt and Lauren's wedding. It's also incidentally on the cover of my new portfolio book, which should be here in about a week :) so excited!


Friday, June 26, 2009

Retouch Fridays!

Hey everyone!

I know I'm not a regular blogger, but I'm making some plans that will (hopefully) help me to become a better blogger.  My first idea is to do Retouch Fridays, where I post the original image and the retouched image and explain what I did. 

Soo....Here's an image Frank took earlier this week. We drove to the Fines Creek area and just had our own little photo shoot.  It was a lot of fun, but it was also very difficult to take pictures of yourself without someone else there to help.  

Frank wanted to experiment with sun flare.  This shot is a pretty good one compositionally, but it just needed a little "boost" to jazz it up a bit.

To me, in photos like these, it's all about color. So, I played around with the contrast slider in Photoshop, bumped up the saturations and played with Curves until I was happy with the end result:

Friday, June 19, 2009

very busy!

Hi everyone again!!

These last few weeks have been REALLY busy for Frank and me! We did our first wedding June 6 and we had so much fun! Granted, we knew the people who got married, but we had fun interacting with the families too!! Last weekend was Frank's cousin's graduation party. I always love visiting the Lowery clan -- they're so much fun and we ALWAYS play poker. We had every intention on taking pictures, but sometimes you just have to put the camera down and enjoy time together. lol, so sorry. No pictures of that to share!

This past week was VBS at my church. I thought the theme this year was really interesting. We normally go through Lifeway for our VBS, but we tried another company called Groups and tried a much more "involved" VBS. Jordan, the coordinator, said we had about 50 volunteers this year! We did Paul and the Underground Church and transformed our youth basement into the "catacombs" -- the prison where Paul stayed. A deacon at our church played the part of Paul and a newer member played the Roman guard, who started the week very grumpy and very against Christianity. By the end of the week, though, he came around. lol. We had the "underground church" on the other side of the youth basement and all the kids had to be reaaalllll quiet so they wouldn't "attract attention" from other people. All the leaders dressed up in costumes and we had a "marketplace" for the various crafts. It was just very organized and very cool this year. I, of course, LOVED taking pictures of it!!

These kids are SO CUTE!! This is probably the only time until they're like 15 they'll get along. lol!

Frank helped out with the 2nd-3rd graders, which I thought was adorable. Here he is sporting a most fashionable yellow sash around his head. Later on in the week, he fashioned a nice neck tie. How inventive. haha!

This is David Youmans... er... I mean... "Paul." He aboslutely loves this picture -- and I really do too! It's the best one I took in such low light -- but it really does have that cave-like feel, don't you think?

And this is Brutus -- back when he was grumpy.

Here are all the kids at the assembly. I was floored how many kids we had the first night! It had to be pushing 60...

This little guy is so adorable! Jordan, the coordinator, asked all the kids to close their eyes and imagine Rome. This is his way of closing his eyes. He looks a bit like Calvin in Calvin and Hobbes, don't ya think?

And this one just cracks me up -- 21st century social culture meets 1st century wardrobe. haha!

We've been very busy, but I've really enjoyed myself! I've got another few gigs coming up, I think, so stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I was explaining to a friend of mine the other day that I didn't know of any professional photographer who would sell their prints and images straight out of the camera. Most people don't know this, but there's quite a bit of post processing needed after a photo shoot. I've had very few images come straight out of my camera where I thought, "Hm, there's not much I need to do to this one." Some photographers spend hours and hours manipulating photographs to make skin tones "perfectly smooth." My philosophy, however, has always been "less is more." For instance, I just went to a local photographer's Web site, and to be sure his work is superb, I could tell he did a lot of post processing. The skin of one bride was so smooth, it didn't look natural.

When I was a pre-teen, my mother once told me, "The secret to wearing makeup is to make it look like you're NOT wearing any." This idea really perplexed me, but like makeup, the whole point of post processing is not to totally make over the image, but to enhance the natural characteristics that are already there.

To illustrate my point, I have two images: One is the original SOOC (straight out of the camera) and the other is the finished product. (click to enlarge)

Granted, the original image is pretty darn good (not to sound conceited or anything, but the colors are decent, there isn't anything distracting in the background -- minus a few annoying gnats! -- overall a good SOOC image).

However, this one has been brightened a bit, the colors are bolder and more saturated and their faces have been lightened to reduce the harshness of the shadows. I also went in and individually took out the gnats that were flying through the air, but you'd probably have to enlarge photos to even see them anyway.

So when you see my photos on my Web site, know that they are all hand color corrected and enhanced by me, so if it takes a few days to see your pictures, that's why :)

I might do a few more of these every now and then. It was fun and I think it makes people appreciate all that photographers do for their clients. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Sneak Peak

We had the pleasure of photographing a family portrait with The Kincaids. Lauren, the daughter, is a friend of a friend whose family drove all the way from Florida to spend some time in Jackson County.  We could see this family's love for one another and it was truly an honor to get to hang out with them for a while.

I hope you enjoy these sneak peaks.  Many more will follow!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

This is what happens when my hubby plays plumber...

So our kitchen sink was clogged, so my husband decided to play plumber to fix it...  And this was the result.  Water spilled EVERYWHERE.  We didn't think to use our stopper.  And sadly, this is the SECOND time something like this has happened. You'd think we would have learned from our mistake. 

This towel used to be green... we used every towel we could find and now most of our towels are bleached...
The culprit? One huge ball of grease, which admittedly, was probably my fault.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I"m such a slacker

I know, I know, I've been slacking here lately. I know a writer should write even if no one reads, and all that. I just haven't had a whole lot to say.

We hope our photography business will take off this summer. The CD we designed for Thrive is out and up for sale! We are so PSYCHED to have our work be on a CD. We've been playing around with the idea of doing more graphic design work, but haven't really made that "push" forward yet. Hopefully this will be our "push."

We also have our business cards ready to give out, and we hope to do that mainly through our church. We have a special missions package going on right now that will help us raise funds for our mission trip to Nicaragua in the fall, and we're crossing our fingers that our church family will help us get that started. I know money is real tight right now, but I believe with a giving heart (and a few tax breaks...) this idea will take off.

In a few years, I would LOVE to be a full-time photographer and I know that things will be slow at first -- especially in this economy. So I'm putting my faith in God and gaining my experience of photography while raising money for a higher mission. And, I'm fine with that. In fact, if I ever get to fulfill that dream of becoming a full-time photographer, I will continue putting a portion of sales towards mission work. That is what I believe God is calling me to do, and I know that if I give Him the reins, he'll pull us through.

So, if you're looking for budding photographers with graphic design experience who is also looking to raise money for missions, please give us a call! We'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sneak Peek!

I've been slacking a little here lately on the blog, but I decided to pick it back up with a sneak  peek of Jason and Heather's engagement photo shoot. Frank and I had a rockin' good time yesterday. Frank has been friends with Jason since high school and I met both Jason and Heather when I was in college, so it was really great to get to hang out with them yesterday.

We started out by going to CT Auto, which I know is a little odd for an engagement shoot. The place, though, is covered in license plates, which I thought would make for a neat background. (Click on the photos to enlarge them)

This one cracks me up :)

We just had to grab a few shots of the ring! 

We're also shooting their wedding in June, and we couldn't be more psyched about it!

Thanks Jason and Heather for a fun afternoon.  Check back for many, many more photos! :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Frank and I got to shoot for the Thrive band at our church for their CD cover the other day.  These guys had us laughing so hard! They're so goofy, but so talented at what they do!  Their CD will be released March 25 at their Thrive concert at Webster Baptist Church. If any of you are in the area, you should stop by and check 'em out! 

In the meantime, here are a few of our favorites from the shoot:

This one cracks me up!  haha!  I'm not exactly sure what he was looking at, but it made for a good candid shot.

This one is probably my personal favorite. I like the angle of the lens and the fact that none of them are paying attention. :)
I made this photo with a Photoshop action I made myself called 'Old School.'  Like the title, it's meant to have an old-timey feel to it. 

A friend of mine pointed out that every band seems to have this picture -- where everyone jumps in the air.  I wasn't aware of this trend, but I don't really care -- I like it anyway.

Thanks to the Thrive band for letting me have this opportunity to be a part of your new CD!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My husband and I had the opportunity to do our first maternity shoot yesterday. It was rainy all day, which was a bummer, but I think we had a very successful shoot. We took the pictures at the couple's home. We had a lot of fun and I can't wait to meet their little one!

Here are a few of my favorites: 

Jason is so excited about being a daddy! Here he is with a 'Daddy Loves Me' baby bib.

I like the feeling of this one.  

I love the look in Sarah's eyes in this one.  Despite her contraction pains, she managed to pull it off with such ease. I hope I'm that strong when I'm expecting!

I was really excited to do this series with Jason -- I had a 'vision' about it the day before the shoot and I think it fits his personality to a tee.

It's so easy to create good photos with such a beautiful couple! Thanks, Sarah and Jason, for letting us be a small part in your daughter's life!

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's been a while, I know, but here are a few things I've been working on...