Friday, June 19, 2009

very busy!

Hi everyone again!!

These last few weeks have been REALLY busy for Frank and me! We did our first wedding June 6 and we had so much fun! Granted, we knew the people who got married, but we had fun interacting with the families too!! Last weekend was Frank's cousin's graduation party. I always love visiting the Lowery clan -- they're so much fun and we ALWAYS play poker. We had every intention on taking pictures, but sometimes you just have to put the camera down and enjoy time together. lol, so sorry. No pictures of that to share!

This past week was VBS at my church. I thought the theme this year was really interesting. We normally go through Lifeway for our VBS, but we tried another company called Groups and tried a much more "involved" VBS. Jordan, the coordinator, said we had about 50 volunteers this year! We did Paul and the Underground Church and transformed our youth basement into the "catacombs" -- the prison where Paul stayed. A deacon at our church played the part of Paul and a newer member played the Roman guard, who started the week very grumpy and very against Christianity. By the end of the week, though, he came around. lol. We had the "underground church" on the other side of the youth basement and all the kids had to be reaaalllll quiet so they wouldn't "attract attention" from other people. All the leaders dressed up in costumes and we had a "marketplace" for the various crafts. It was just very organized and very cool this year. I, of course, LOVED taking pictures of it!!

These kids are SO CUTE!! This is probably the only time until they're like 15 they'll get along. lol!

Frank helped out with the 2nd-3rd graders, which I thought was adorable. Here he is sporting a most fashionable yellow sash around his head. Later on in the week, he fashioned a nice neck tie. How inventive. haha!

This is David Youmans... er... I mean... "Paul." He aboslutely loves this picture -- and I really do too! It's the best one I took in such low light -- but it really does have that cave-like feel, don't you think?

And this is Brutus -- back when he was grumpy.

Here are all the kids at the assembly. I was floored how many kids we had the first night! It had to be pushing 60...

This little guy is so adorable! Jordan, the coordinator, asked all the kids to close their eyes and imagine Rome. This is his way of closing his eyes. He looks a bit like Calvin in Calvin and Hobbes, don't ya think?

And this one just cracks me up -- 21st century social culture meets 1st century wardrobe. haha!

We've been very busy, but I've really enjoyed myself! I've got another few gigs coming up, I think, so stay tuned!

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