Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hey all! My friends Jordan and Jonathan were nice enough to let me shoot their engagement photos. Considering this was my first shoot, I think I did pretty well :)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Here are a few more of my favorite Folkmoot pics.  

I'm saving for my own camera so that when I inevitably move away from my current company, I can have something to satisfy my need to learn more about cameras and photography.  I'd also like to save up for a better lens with a better zoom.  Any suggestions?

Friday, August 29, 2008

I went to the Canton Labor Day fair tonight and took a few pretty cool pictures. I played mainly with the shutter delay function on my camera and focused on the lights on the rides. Here's a few of my favorites:

These were a part of some game for kids.  I thought the wall of balloons was inter

This one is pretty cool. It was some caterpillar ride for kids. I really like the colors.

I enhanced the colors in this one a bit. I really like the yellows and the reds and pinks.

This was a ride you couldn't pay me to get on. Any carnival ride which requires one to go upside down isn't for me.  But I thought it turned out well. The green colors are Photoshop'd.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

 I work for a small newspaper company in Western North Carolina. Because of this, I have access to nice equipment I wouldn't otherwise have and have developed an interest in amateur photography.  I'm not nearly as good as some of my co-workers but I'm toying with the idea of taking a few classes at the local community college.  I welcome constructive criticism to any of my photos. 

This one was taken last month during Folkmoot USA, an international festival which lasts for two weeks. This year, Argentina, Belarus, Russia, France, Trinidad, Chinese Taipei, Japan, and two other countries which have slipped my mind came and performed various dances and things. The first picture is quite possibly my favorite I've taken so far.  These are pictures of dancers from Argentina.