Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Sneak Peak

We had the pleasure of photographing a family portrait with The Kincaids. Lauren, the daughter, is a friend of a friend whose family drove all the way from Florida to spend some time in Jackson County.  We could see this family's love for one another and it was truly an honor to get to hang out with them for a while.

I hope you enjoy these sneak peaks.  Many more will follow!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

This is what happens when my hubby plays plumber...

So our kitchen sink was clogged, so my husband decided to play plumber to fix it...  And this was the result.  Water spilled EVERYWHERE.  We didn't think to use our stopper.  And sadly, this is the SECOND time something like this has happened. You'd think we would have learned from our mistake. 

This towel used to be green... we used every towel we could find and now most of our towels are bleached...
The culprit? One huge ball of grease, which admittedly, was probably my fault.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I"m such a slacker

I know, I know, I've been slacking here lately. I know a writer should write even if no one reads, and all that. I just haven't had a whole lot to say.

We hope our photography business will take off this summer. The CD we designed for Thrive is out and up for sale! We are so PSYCHED to have our work be on a CD. We've been playing around with the idea of doing more graphic design work, but haven't really made that "push" forward yet. Hopefully this will be our "push."

We also have our business cards ready to give out, and we hope to do that mainly through our church. We have a special missions package going on right now that will help us raise funds for our mission trip to Nicaragua in the fall, and we're crossing our fingers that our church family will help us get that started. I know money is real tight right now, but I believe with a giving heart (and a few tax breaks...) this idea will take off.

In a few years, I would LOVE to be a full-time photographer and I know that things will be slow at first -- especially in this economy. So I'm putting my faith in God and gaining my experience of photography while raising money for a higher mission. And, I'm fine with that. In fact, if I ever get to fulfill that dream of becoming a full-time photographer, I will continue putting a portion of sales towards mission work. That is what I believe God is calling me to do, and I know that if I give Him the reins, he'll pull us through.

So, if you're looking for budding photographers with graphic design experience who is also looking to raise money for missions, please give us a call! We'd love to hear from you!